HttpClient is intended to be instantiated once and re-used throughout the life of an application. Instantiating an HttpClient class for every request will exhaust the number of sockets available under heavy loads.See more here: Disposable, Finalizers, and HttpClient
This is just a spot to keep miscellaneous links. It also shows you what a geek I am.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Be careful when using many HttpClient instances
Who knew? According to MSDN (emphasis added):
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Cool JSON and SQL-related links found on a Hacker News post – Parses sample JSON and creates code to serialize/deserialize it in several different languages. – Rezoom.SQL is an F# ORM for SQL databases using type providers, so it will automatically pick up the schema on build. A HN commenter claimed it has better type support than any other ORM, a statement perhaps to be taken with a grain of salt. – Interactive Extensions for JavaScript (IxJS). IxJS is a set of libraries to compose synchronous and asynchronous collections and Array#extras style composition in JavaScript – Rezoom.SQL is an F# ORM for SQL databases using type providers, so it will automatically pick up the schema on build. A HN commenter claimed it has better type support than any other ORM, a statement perhaps to be taken with a grain of salt. – Interactive Extensions for JavaScript (IxJS). IxJS is a set of libraries to compose synchronous and asynchronous collections and Array#extras style composition in JavaScript